sweet dreams beauties!
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i don't wanna wake up from you
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true
youre my temporary high, i wish that when i wake up you’re there
so wrap your arms around me for real and tell me you’ll stay by my side
either way i don't wanna wake up from you
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true
youre my temporary high, i wish that when i wake up you’re there
so wrap your arms around me for real and tell me you’ll stay by my side
Postat av: Personality
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Hoppas du blir medlem, du kommer inte bli besviken jag lovar! Jag har vart medlem i mindre än 6 dagar och har över 600 kr redan! :) Kram